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Sunday, September 1, 2013


I've never liked cats.  I would watch my Papa shoot them if they came into his yard.  Really.  I watched him fling one over the fence by its tail.  We were taught that cats were bad.  So I have never liked them.  Refused to have them.  Until Jerry came along about two years ago.  I couldn't say no when Brandon and the kids asked to keep him.  And he was cute.  I kinda liked him.

About a year later Brandon thought it was a good idea to stop at a home with a sign that said FREE KITTENS.  With the kids.  They brought one home.  Looking back, I should have made them take her back.  But I didn't.  How was I supposed to know she would get knocked up and go into labor on my bed, right next to me??????

Brandon woke me when it started.  I flipped out and yelled at him to run get a box because she was NOT giving birth on my bed.  I've tried to blame what happened next on Charlie barking but the truth is, I startled Kotex (her real name is Ella) and she bolted from the bed.  Her first kitten fell out of her and on the floor by the vent.  

Can kittens get a TBI (traumatic brain injury)?????

I grabbed a towel, scooped up the kitten and then mom and put them in the box.  I've never seen a cat give birth.  Obviously. And it was pretty cool to watch Kotex immediately start taking care of her baby.  I figured she was just having one, which confused me because I thought they had huge litters.  After reading on google and finding out there can be anywhere from ten to sixty minutes between births I went back to bed.  We woke up to a total of four kittens.  

Kotex has tried twice to move the under our bed.  On my side.  Seriously??  Why my side??

Those of you who have known me for a long time, I am sure are finding this hilarious.  Those in my family are probably finding this shocking and against everything we've been taught.  

So, we have four kittens.  Three still need a home when the time comes that we can take them away from their mom.  Anyone want one???  Please???

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