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Sunday, May 27, 2012


Brandon says that I am the only one who finds this funny.  Which is ok.  The last part of the video is the best.  We were at the Baptism of my cousins daughter, Lilly, when out in the hall my brother Brian showed me one of the new games he plays with his son, Lincoln.  I enjoy watching my brothers hair and ears get pulled, along with the occasional eye gouging.  I think the reason I find it funny is it is happening to my brother.  Does that make me a good sister???

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Prayers of a Young Woman

Well, Jill-a-palooza has come and gone. What is Jill-a-palooza you ask? It's my birthday month. I celebrate all month long. I gave it this name a few years ago when a co-worker was teasing me about being taken out for lunch for my birthday, three weeks after my birthday. Have you noticed that as you become an adult, having a party with all your friends becomes less likely? So, I get to have lots of mini-parties or lunch and dinner dates with my girlfriends. With kids, work and our hectic schedules, it works out for us to sometimes push the date out a bit. So that has led to my birthday month. (I think my co-worker was just jealous that I have such amazing friends! ha ha ha)

My birthday often falls over the LDS General Conference weekend. Laura who was turning 12 in April had never been to conference. I was able to get some tickets for the Sunday afternoon session. We were both excited to be going. We left our home about two hours early, leaving plenty of time to get to SLC, park and get in our seats. We were on the freeway and almost out of the Ogden area, when we came to a complete stop on the freeway. After 10 minutes, I turn the car off. There we sat. Both sides of the freeway had been shut down and the cars around us had turned off their engines as well. People were out of their cars talking and trying to get a better view of what was going on. My heart sank. Not just because of the accident but because I knew how important it was to Laura to attend conference. We decided to offer a prayer. Laura asked me to say it, and after praying for those involved in the accident we asked that the Lord to somehow make it possible for us to be able to attend conference. Laura got on my kindle and began reading some fairytale out loud to distract us, one we had never heard of....they were weird!!

While Laura was reading I kept praying in my heart. I glanced in my rear view mirror and noticed many cars backing up and literally turning around on the shoulder and driving the wrong way down the freeway. Maybe I could do this? Maybe if I back tracked, I could get off the freeway and get us to SLC, a different way. I realized that I didn't know what would happen if I turned around and tried to back track and go "my way", I might get lost or even get a ticket, or maybe worse. I did know, that the road I was on, even though we were not moving, led me straight to SLC and I knew it would get us to the conference center.  There was no doubt. I had a choice. I could do it my way and turn around or I could be patient and take the route I knew would get me there. We stayed on the freeway and continued to wait patiently.

Soon, we began to move. We were on our way!!! I felt the urge to speed, to get us there fast so that we might be able to attend the session. Through my mind the thought, "It will all be ok", was repeated. I felt that it was important to obey the speed limit, to be an example not just with the law but to trust in our prayer. After all, It would all be ok. Right? We got to SLC, found parking rather fast and began the speed walk of our life to the conference center. Typically, there are huge lines to get in. But when we got there, there were none. We walked up with a small group to the door.  I knew there was a good chance that we would not get in.  But I did know that "everything would be ok". We were five people away from security when the woman stopped us and said they had to do a count to see how many more of us could go in. I felt Laura's heart sink with mine. The volunteer helped to pass the time by telling us trivia about Temple Square and the Conference Center. I can't really tell you what was said. Neither can Laura. Come to find out, we were both praying quietly and fervently that we would get in. It never once crossed my mind to try to use the fact that it was my birthday as a way to get in or that Laura's was coming up, or the fact that I had a missionary badge on. I stood there, with my arm around Laura, and waited.  As patiently as I could. Both of us praying silently in our hearts. I knew it would be ok. I knew that did not necessarily mean we would attend conference but that we could wander the grounds and still learn and draw closer to our Heavenly Father. Regardless of attending the session, I knew things would be ok.

We were the last two admitted into the Conference Center. The prayers of a faithful young woman were heard and answered that day.  She was the real example. This was a special day one that included a tender mercy from the Lord.  I always have the option to turn around.  To take control of my life, my will and my agency and do things my way.  I didn't know then and never will know, where the road will lead me when I decide to do things my way.  I do know that if I am patient, turn my will and my agency over to a loving Heavenly Father, I will get there.  As I pace  myself and follow the laws that have been set by Him and by the land, things will be ok.  I will return home to him one day.  I know this because I have been shown the exact route to take to get there.  Sometimes, I try it my way and when I find myself off course, I know how to get back on course.  I know to lean on my Brother and access his sacrifice of the atonement that I can just as quickly get back on the right route as I got off it.  That the peace and joy will come rushing back into my life as I do so, that it will be ok.   I will be ok.

My camera died before we got to SLC...but we got some pictures on the freeway and when we got to my mom's. My brother Brian thought he would be funny and be in the pictures....I asked him to take one of our outfits, which he did. I should have been more specific and requested our faces be in the picture too. I wanted a picture of Laura's hair, Brian missed the part about it being Laura's hair, and got in the picture too. Luke gave a gift that day. It was all the money he had in an envelope that said, "Happy Birthday to you! Hay!". That is how he sings the birthday song. He is a thoughtful boy.

I am blessed to be the step-mom to to these amazing kids.  I am grateful that my Father sees fit to teach me constantly and to put righteous examples, like Laura, in my life.  This birthday, was by far the best.  Not because of a party or a gift but because I got to be taught by the Lord.  I got to be in attendance with my beautiful step-daughter at General Conference and here the Prophet and Apostles speak.  I felt the spirit and got to draw closer to my Father in Heaven and His Son. 


Time Flys

Time is flying like crazy!!  I have been so busy but I feel like I can't say with what!  We have been having a fun couple of months.  I've been organizing and throwing stuff out like crazy.  We have enjoyed being with friends and family and having fun with the ones we love....This post is just a little one to show some of the stuff we have been up to!

I got to make my new little BFF Mak her birthday cake!!  Mike and Angie moved here with their darling Mak last summer.  Mike and Paul served in Iraq in the Army together.  Angie and I became friends when they moved here.  I'm forever grateful for Mike and Paul's service and sacrifice.  I'm known for saying that if you want to see what a real man is like, look at the men who serve our country.  Mike and Paul are good examples.  I had a lot of fun doing the Minnie Mouse cake.  Mak got sick the actual day of her birthday and had to cancel her party.  But you can't skip birthday cake on the actual day!!  So I got to make a second one for the party the following week.  Angie thought I was nuts, but I love doing it and it gives me a chance to practice more without having to eat the cake!!!  Liz and Laura were a big help in getting the cake ready.

I was recently called to be one of the Young Women's Camp Directors...Lilly and Laura have been having a lot of fun coming up with ideas for that as well with me. I'm not posting pictures as we don't want to ruin the surprise of what we are planning!

Hoppy Easter!!

We got to celebrate Easter multiple times this year! Brandon and his brothers have a tradition of going to the LDS General Priesthood Session of Conference together and afterwards go to dinner. With the men gone, the kids and I invited our aunts and cousins over to make "bunny cakes". MaCayla, my niece, had shown me a video on YouTube for these really cute bunny cakes. We had decided months ahead of time to do them. So everyone came over to our house to do so!! That morning, I was going up to Logan to help my brother clean his condo since he was moving out, the twins and my Mom went with me. Laura spent the morning and afternoon baking 15 cakes (yes you read that right)!! Granted, they weren't 9 inch cakes, they were a smaller size (not a whole lot smaller), but still it was a TUN of work....what an awesome girl!!! Each cousin was able to decorate their own cake!! Lilly had a friend over and so she and her friend, Laura and I made more frosting than we care to think about. The three girls ran the show and did a great job of helping the younger kids and making sure everyone had a good time.

On a side note, Liz and Luke worked their butts off at Paul's with me!! Liz even accidentally slammed her finger in the car door but never once complained, she got it bandaged up and went right back to cleaning with Grandma Connee and I. Luke was a huge help to Paul. We had a fun morning working together in Logan.

Anyways, we made a massive pot of Mac and Cheese, ate and then got down to the business of decorating. It was a lot of fun!! I am blessed with good family, this includes my "in-laws". Since there tends to be a negative connotation with that name, they are simply and truly, my family.

The kids were with their mom for Easter this year, so we celebrated with Grandma Connee the following weekend. Grandma Connee, Pookie, Brian, Andrea and Lincoln, came up to our house. We dyed eggs and had an Easter egg hunt. Andrea, my mom and I, have come to the conclusion that celebrating the week after a holiday is actually quite fantastic!! For starters, everything goes on sale. Big time! Wahoo!! And it is a lot less stressful. Brandon and I enjoyed our Easter at home and we had celebrated it the Saturday before with his family. We both noticed that by spreading it out a little, we got to really enjoy our time over the holiday. It made the time spent with our families more fun, less stressful.

Grandma Connee gave the kids water guns for when we go swimming. Pookie and Brian decided to teach the kids how to put their hands on the end where the water squirts out and push so that it makes a very annoying farting noise. Paul, Brian and Luke formed a boy band that they call, The Flatulent Fellows. UGH
Also, while dying eggs, I walked into the kitchen to see Laura's hand FULLY submerged in one of the cups of dye.  Stopping dead in my tracks I instantly look to Pookie.  "She is sacrificing for the sake of Egg Dying", he says.  Apparently, Paul asked Laura if she wanted to help make the best egg, ever.  Of course she agreed.  He asked what color she wouldn't mind her hand being for a while....she of course said orange.  "This is why you are my favorite" was Paul's response and so, he and Laura set out for the coolest egg ever, which apparently required the dying of one of her hands....which was an orange color for several days. While we had a wonderful Easter and enjoy the fun parts to holidays. Brandon and I are eternally grateful to our brother and Savior. For his ultimate sacrifice which allows us, such imperfect people, to return to him. Over the past couple of years, the atonement has become something new and more tender than either of us could imagine. All we can say to that is, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is True! Amen!