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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Thank You Pinterest and Lookout Martha!!

Well, it’s Halloween. This specific holiday is not my favorite (but I don't hate it) and I have never been a huge fan of dressing up, except maybe when I was younger. I get confused why grown women dresses in ¼ of what they would wear normally for this holiday and look like their teenage daughters. I missed the memo that standards are not applicable during this holiday! (End of rant) However, over the years I have grown to find this holiday to be fun. I’ve never been a fan of body parts in the yard, and cheesy stuff from Walmart and the decorations I like, that are found at boutiques is ridiculously priced. Hence, me never getting into the decorating spirit! My mom always went all out for any holiday when it came to decorating our house and fun activities during the weeks before, so sometimes people are a bit confused as to why I am not that way. Side note: My mom is amazing. If I can be half of the woman/mother she is, I would consider my life a success. This year, thanks to sites like Pinterest, I decided to perk up my Halloween decorations. I have a few friends in my neighborhood who go all out and I love their decorations!! They have sparked my creative juices (Thank you Karen!!). So…I’m trying to turn my kitchen into a Witches’ Kitchen, thanks to the help of the gals in my neighborhood. We had a recent Girls Night Out, craft night. We made potion bottles, which were absolutely darling!! I ended up making 25. You should have seen Brandon’s face when I came home with 25 wine bottles turned into potion bottles!! Laura helped me put glitter on a couple of skeleton heads and we put the new décor up this weekend. I also got an idea for a wreath off of pinterest. I dyed some monk’s cloth a burnt orange color, cut into two inch strips and twisted and glued to a wreath. Slapped a bow on that baby and VIOLA! I got through this craft project with only one battle wound. I was caught off guard by my glue gun. But my thumb is healing and I shall survive. Yet another cool thing about living in Plain City? I bought 7 pumpkins for $5.00 from a neighbor. There are many people out here who grow pumpkins, then set up a little stand on their front lawn where you can buy them. Pumpkins at Walmart are $3.88. Each. Take that, Walmart!! So I wrapped some of those in tulle and Laura and Liz helped me paint two of them. While Brandon was at the priesthood session of general conference, we finished the pumpkins and put them outside. The three of us decided to put out the rest of my decorations. I had a new and unexpected item in my Halloween box. It was a mouse. About half way through putting things out, I reached my hand in the box and all of a sudden the unexpected addition ran across the box right by my hand. EEEEKKK!! Ok, I don’t really freak out over mice. Or spiders. But this little guy totally scared me. We took the box out back, I finished emptying it and then got Jerry and dropped him in. Ha! Take that! Looks like I need to put out more mouse poison in the garage, or is it mice poison??? (This is one downside to living in Plain City….there are little critters) Once we were done, Laura, Liz and I hit the Maverick for a treat. We made it moments before the priesthood session ended and so needless to say, missed waiting in a long line of men and boys for our coke’s and treats! WHEW! I walked into the twin’s room and found one of Elizabeth’s craft projects on the wall. She is constantly leaving notes to each of us about how much she loves us and her family. I had to throw a picture of one of her recent posters in.

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