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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Time Flys

Time is flying like crazy!!  I have been so busy but I feel like I can't say with what!  We have been having a fun couple of months.  I've been organizing and throwing stuff out like crazy.  We have enjoyed being with friends and family and having fun with the ones we love....This post is just a little one to show some of the stuff we have been up to!

I got to make my new little BFF Mak her birthday cake!!  Mike and Angie moved here with their darling Mak last summer.  Mike and Paul served in Iraq in the Army together.  Angie and I became friends when they moved here.  I'm forever grateful for Mike and Paul's service and sacrifice.  I'm known for saying that if you want to see what a real man is like, look at the men who serve our country.  Mike and Paul are good examples.  I had a lot of fun doing the Minnie Mouse cake.  Mak got sick the actual day of her birthday and had to cancel her party.  But you can't skip birthday cake on the actual day!!  So I got to make a second one for the party the following week.  Angie thought I was nuts, but I love doing it and it gives me a chance to practice more without having to eat the cake!!!  Liz and Laura were a big help in getting the cake ready.

I was recently called to be one of the Young Women's Camp Directors...Lilly and Laura have been having a lot of fun coming up with ideas for that as well with me. I'm not posting pictures as we don't want to ruin the surprise of what we are planning!

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