Summer is over. It was a fun summer and very low key. I decided to throw up a few pictures from us playing around...I did not do a very good job of keeping up with our blog this summer. My excuse would be is that I've been busy having too much fun! We hope that everyone had a good summer!
Mercy River performed in Brigham Young Historical park in SLC this summer. My good friend Amber and I were going and Brandon and Laura came along. It was a lot of fun. We got carmel apples and sat on the grass and enjoyed one of our favorite groups!
One of my good friends had surgery and so her little girl, also known as my little BFF, came to stay overnight over the weekend. We roasted marshmallows and made s'mores and we took her fishing for her first time!! We went up to a city pond in Brigham City that is stocked with fish. It's a great place to go with kids, you are almost guaranteed to catch fish. Mak loved it!
You are allowed to take home two fish each. So, with a plan in mind, we kept a hold of 12.
Over the summer several "pets" Luke and Duncan caught ended up at Duncan's house. One of them was a catfish. When that catfish was returned to the wild, I told Mike and Amy to not be too sad. That I would get them another. So, while they were at church, Laura and I drove over to their home. We filled the bathtub and kitchen sink with water and we introduced the catfish to their new home.